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Lia Pootah 
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A running journal of events affecting the Lia Pootah people.

Media Releases: Lia Pootah Aboriginal Community Media releases

Meeting with Phillip Ruddock, Australian Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs.

Recent Articles:

The Lia Pootah People
The Lia Pootah Elders
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Communities -  Lia Pootah and Palawa
The Palawa

The Lia Pootah Update

Lia Pootah Perspective  Ethnic Cleansing In Tasmania  - How The Tasmanian State Government Is Denying Thousands of Aboriginal People Their Rights By Preventing Them From Taking Part in Elections.

Bowen Reconciliation - The early settlement of Risdon Cove, by Freda Gray (OMA)

Coming Events An Invitation to Cultural Events
Media Releases Lia Pootah Web Log
Bowen Bicentenary 1803 - 2003
Significant Events Camee Piyeree ("To speak by and by")
Send your Comments liapootah@taea.com.au


Our Present Culture.

Today Tasmanian Aboriginal culture is wholly urban. All our Ancestors died taking our Traditional culture with them.  We have an integrated culture which components incorporates our Traditional past with our urban lifestyle.  A continuous heritage that extends unbroken through three ice ages into the mists of time.  The current estimate is sixty thousand years by some archaeologists.

We are Tasmania's unrecognised Aboriginal community, with a reconciliation agenda.

We are urban because we were denied our Traditional Culture by the policies of the nineteenth century missionaries and governments who wanted to see us destroyed.  An extinct race solves all problems of land alienation.  All the Ancestors, both free and captured  died in shame, sorrow and pain forbidden to practice their way of life for fear of reprisals which could have been death, removal of their children or numerous forms of punishment. 

Our Traditional Cultural heritage is being rediscovered through the writings of the European invaders who recorded observations of the Ancestors, in journals and diaries and newspaper accounts. 

Wallantanalinany Lydidder (Southern country all around) is the Southern Traditional Elders Council for the Lia Pootah People.

About Our Community 

An Initiation Ceremony
In March 2000, the first initiation ceremony for 150 years was held in the Tasmanian Aboriginal community. Here is the story and pictures of this important event.

Behind The scenes
How less than 10 people wiped out over 10,000 Tasmanian Aboriginals - in 1996.

Our Petition. 
We are trying to regain our heritage. Our Aboriginal community is fighting to change the lies of history and show that not everybody was rounded up and removed from the land called Tasmania. This link describes the reasons for our petition to the Tasmanian government.

Current Events
This is a current events page which offers an insight into happenings within Tasmania’s two diverse Aboriginal communities. It contains editorials - articles - points of view and readers responses along the lines of an open forum.

Educational Services


We believe that there can be no reconciliation without education.  We provide a range of services that provide Information about Tasmanian Aboriginal people. 



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